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subject:"Labor" from
Publishes in-depth articles on labor subjects, current labor statistics, information about current labor contracts, and book reviews.
subject:"Labor" from
Inspired by the events of the 1891 Shearers' Strike in Barcaldine this story shows a contrast between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' (slum dwellers and the wealthy citizens) and depicts the conflict.
subject:"Labor" from
"A seminal study of London street life in the middle of the [19th] century ... [with] details of Victorian lower-class life, such as what kinds of foods were sold on the streets, how financial transactions with street-sellers were conducted ...
subject:"Labor" from
Introduction -- Manpower and employment -- Labor and social legislation -- Wages, hours, and other conditions of employment -- Labor organizations -- Employer organizations -- Labor-management relations.
subject:"Labor" from
Reveals how foreign investors have reaped great harvests under China's 'celebrated' economic reforms unleased in the early eighties, while workers' rights have been flouted.
subject:"Labor" from
Abstract: How do differences in the local business environment influence location of industry within countries?
subject:"Labor" from
Investigates communist influence in the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America strike at the Bucyrus-Erie Co. in Evansville, Ind., and the extent of communist influence in the local union.
subject:"Labor" from
First edition in book form, originally published in the columns of the Northern Warder according to the dedication.